If you’re a crypto HODLer looking to easily exchange digital currencies for fiat ones, you’ll find yourself in a difficult situation. This position often means you cannot straightforwardly access your money.
Nebeus partnered with Modulr, the leading embedded payments platform, to offer a solution: Nebeus Money Accounts.
The Problems of Linking Crypto Wallets with FIAT Accounts
Traditional bank accounts are behind the times when it comes to cryptocurrency. If you’re looking to use your digital assets in everyday life, these institutions make it incredibly difficult to do so.
Let’s run through some common problems you’ll encounter when dealing with cryptocurrency and your usual bank accounts:
Transactions and Cards May be Blocked
One of the primary concerns users have when attempting to handle fiat funds using their cryptocurrency accounts is whether or not their transactions will be accepted and if they will even block their accounts and credit cards.
It’s a constant worry for many traders, especially in a world filled with time-sensitive decisions and bills. For instance, if an employer prefers to keep their money invested in stablecoins, they can run into major issues when paying their employees if any exchange, transaction, or withdrawal processes are blocked. Payroll not being paid will wreak havoc on a business.
Even in places where cryptocurrency use is permitted, certain banks and institutions continue to restrict transactions initiated via cryptocurrency platforms. Not even Binance, Kraken, or Coinbase are immune to this.
You Might Not Get Your Money for a While
Often, cryptocurrency traders need access to their funds in fiat form immediately. From paying daily expenses and lending money to friends and family to not missing out on a real-world business opportunity, there are many reasons why cryptocurrency needs to be converted into fiat currency as quickly as possible.
However, the traditional banking industry makes this nearly impossible. Converting your crypto into fiat and transferring it to your bank account can be an incredibly tiring and tedious process as it involves many steps and is not done immediately.
Once again, despite cryptocurrency being widespread and legalised, banks make the process more complicated than building a new blockchain! With these institutions, countless extra verification steps are involved, making the currency conversion process stressful and slow.
You’ll be Paying More Fees and Higher Tax
What’s worse than being unable to access your money? Being charged extortionate fees and extra taxes just to complete the process.
Depending on the bank, when handling cryptocurrency transactions, traditional financial institutions will add extra fees you never knew existed before they greet you on your monthly statement. Or even the process of transferring from one platform to another to finally get it into your bank account will involve transaction fees.
So, once you – hopefully – have your cryptocurrency converted to fiat, you may find significantly less money available than you thought.

The Nebeus Solution
Transferring money from a crypto wallet/exchange to a bank account may be time-consuming and require many complicated steps. This can result in high fees, complex transactions, slow processing times, and sometimes even monetary losses.
However, these complexities can now be avoided thanks to Nebeus Money Accounts. Nebeus established a partnership with Modulr to offer European users unique IBAN accounts to manage Euros, and for UK users Sort Codes and Account Number accounts to use with GBP. This new product allows Nebeus users to replace their traditional bank accounts with Nebeus digital accounts as it also offers payments features such as:
- Direct Debit,
- Faster Payments,
- and SEPA Instant.
That’s not all.
Although these conveniences are useful, Nebeus Money Accounts truly shine when it comes to solving the numerous issues plaguing traditional bank accounts’ handling of cryptocurrency-to-fiat transactions.
Here’s how these accounts have your traditional bank accounts beat:
Safe and Unrestricted. Always Able to Transfer Funds
You may freely receive money from any cryptocurrency exchange or wallet into your Nebeus Crypto account, convert it to fiat, and send it to your Nebeus Money Account after passing a successful AML check of the funds and securing the safety of the transaction. This corroboration happens in a matter of seconds, and that’s all it takes to transfer your money from one platform to another.
If the third-party app is compliant and the funds aren’t flagged due to suspicious and illegal activities, the transfer is good to go. No need to search for a bank that would probably block your account or credit card when dealing with crypto funds. Nebeus is aware of how cryptocurrency functions and the safety precautions that must be followed in order for you to completely benefit from its advantages without obstacles or hassles.
Instant SEPA. Immediately Receive Your Money
Our accounts enable you to use your money immediately and in everyday transactions thanks to Instant SEPA, which processes euro transfers quickly and independently of the day or time of the week. Need crypto? Instantly send and receive funds to your Nebeus Crypto Account to buy the coin of your choice. Need to pay for some expenses? Send FIAT to your IBAN in Nebeus Money Account, receive it instantaneously, and use it however you like. Simple and fast.
No Hidden Fees. Keep More of Your Money
At Nebeus, you won’t be ambushed by hidden fees and extra taxes. We are open and transparent about transfer fees and additional charges – which we keep as low as possible. Each Money Account plan has its individual cost, fees, and limits. You can find them in our app or our Help Center.
With Nebeus, you won’t ever find yourself unable to pay for dinner after a bank has eaten away at your funds. Remain relaxed and safe in the knowledge that by using Nebeus, you get to keep what’s yours.
The traditional banking industry has a long way to go before it provides a simple, fair, and easy solution to handling cryptocurrency.
Until then, remove the stress of using your cryptocurrency assets straightaway by signing up for a Nebeus Money Account today.
You can sign up for a Nebeus Money account and simplify your everyday money operations.
La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y se puede perder la totalidad del monto invertido.